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TMP Auction

ANTAQ - National Waterway Transport Agency – published the auction notice nº 05/2023 – TMP. The auction session is scheduled for August 11, 2023, at B3's headquarters in São Paulo.

The TMP area is classified as brownfield, has 31,296.03 m², and is located in Porto do Mucuripe, in the city of Fortaleza-CE. It is intended for the movement of passengers, with a contractual term of 25 years and fixed monthly lease payment in the amount of R$ 39.7 thousand.

The project includes investments worth R$ 3.19 million for: the purchase of luggage trolleys and locker cabinets; and replacement/retrofit of equipment and structures in the rental area.

The auction documents can be accessed from the ANTAQ website (https: // The deadline for requests for clarifications to the notice is now open, with July 14, 2023 as the deadline.

The auction session can be watched by the public live, virtually, on the B3 YouTube channel.


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